classes in the heart of Montseny

Traditional hand tools only approach

Traditional woodworking techniques using ethically sourced wood from our forest.

Our Workshops

We are just starting out so for now we will only have a few classes available until we setup the fully equipped workshop. Stay tuned for our journey!

Spoon Carving

A full day workshop taught by an experienced woodworker on the basics of Slöjd Carving, from tree to spoon using only hand tools. Lunch included.

Why Hand Tools?

We aim to bring back endangered crafts that have been lost due to the hyper industrialization of furniture and to give new value to the forest and ethically sourced wood… but we also think it’s so much fun!


Joined By Purpose

We are a team from completely different backgrounds that came together almost by chance but who share the dream of building a future that is respectful to the land and meaningful for our lives.